Get to school Expansion pack

Not a minute later I receive an email titled:Get to school DLC pack animations and voice acting complete.Long name but I got my remaining assets.

Back to school! Go to elementary, Middle,or High school with an extra:University.Be a bully, a nerd, a teacher or build your own school! New purchasable and required uniforms for schools, Live in sparkling springs. Follow your children to school and play out a story, become a bully or be bullied.Study or slack off the choice is yours!Get and max the teaching skill or lose it all in your dorm with your lover.After school activities: Become a loyal scout,Join a club at school, design a study schedule and earn money by mentoring other students.Choose your path! Get additional jobs by a route you take at university: Take the Nursing, Teaching, Science, Law, or dental.(You can sign up for different NON-PLAYABLE schools to earn these job opportunities).Ask your parents to pay, Get a scholarship, or get a student loan.

You:Jeez this seems really boring! Nobody wants to go to school

Well it gets interesting…..

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